
Name Type Description
Authentication over API-Key
apiKey String API-Key (provided directly by YellowMap).
Authentication over system partner and security id
systemPartner String Partner name (provided directly by YellowMap).
securityId String Access key (provided directly by YellowMap).

General parameters

Parameters by Interface

Name Type  Description
bBox String Frame of the map section ("bounding box"), with the smallest value of the x and y axis followed by the largest value. The values are separated by commas.
Example: -10.0,-10.0,10.0,10.0.
center String The coordinates of the map center, with the smallest value followed by the largest value. The values are separated by commas.
Example: 10.0,10.0.
channel String Any character string that is logged and used to identify the call later. It can be freely chosen.
contentType String If application/json or application/vnd.geo+json is set, a JSON object is returned; in all other cases a base 64 string of the image.
crsName String The coordinate reference system name ("coordinate reference system by name") for the coordinates passed to the service.
imageType String One of the following two values: JPG or PNG
isoLocale String The ISO specification for the Local; for Germany for example "de-DE" (default).
mapAsBase64 String true or false (Standard). Only relevant for JSON return. For performance reasons the return of the card as Base64 string is disabled. The customer always has the link to the card available.
mapLines String Lines to be drawn in the map. Several lines are separated by the character ^.
Format: X1 Y1 X2 Y2 X3 Y3^X4 Y4^[...]
mapLinesColor String The colors of the lines to be drawn into the map. Four hexadecimal values for the alpha channel, red, green and blue. If there are fewer values than the number of lines, the first value for the remaining lines is used for missing data.
mapLinesWidth String The line widths of the lines to be drawn into the map. If there are fewer values than the number of lines, the first value for the remaining lines will be used for missing data.
Format: X1 Y1 X2 Y2 X3 Y3^X4 Y4^[...]
mapPoints String Format: X|Y|BILDNAME^X|Y|BILDNAME[...]
mapScale String Scale: 0, 1 (meter/kilometer, default value) or 2 (yard/miles).
pixelScaleFactor int Allows scaling of the map image. If size is specified, the resolution of the result map changes to this ratio. Values: 12 (Retina) oder 4 (Print).
radius Unsigned Integer Radius in meters.
size String Specify the width followed by the height, separated by the character x: WIDTHxHEIGHT
The size is limited to 2048 x 2048 pixels. The minimum size is 100 x 100 pixels.
Example: 100x200
style String Setting of the map style to be displayed on the map. By default, the profile lightmode is used. You can choose between different styles, adapted to the respective use case. Possible values: lightmode, darkmode, daylight, greyscale, nightmode, colorblind, designmode
Name of the interface Parameter
mapByLocation Necessary parameters:

Optional among others:
mapPoints (as marker in the map), mapScale
mapByRect Necessary parameters:

Optional among others:
mapPoints (as marker in the map), mapScale
mapByAddress Necessary parameters:

Optional among others:
mapPoints (as marker in the map), mapScale
mapByPoints Necessary parameters:

Optional among others:
radius (if only one single point), sizeisoLocaleimageTypemapProvidermapScale