
These interfaces allow a geographical search for one or more industry codes.

Depending on how the location is specified, one of the following interfaces is responsible:

Description Name of the interface Parameter list
Location information in separate fields SearchBranchesCoordBasedAddress SystemPartner, SecurityID, Channel, Branches, IsoCountryCode, IsoLocale, ZipCityStreet, MaxRadius, Top, OrderBy, Page, FreeFilter, Addition
Location information in separate fields (reduced parameter list) SearchBranchesCoordBasedMinimized SystemPartner, SecurityID, Branches, IsoCountryCode, IsoLocale, ZipCityStreet
Location in a field SearchBranchesCoordBasedLocation SystemPartner, SecurityID, Channel, Branches, IsoCountryCode, IsoLocale, Location, MaxRadius, Top, OrderBy, Page, FreeFilter, Addition
Point coordinate together with a radius SearchBranchesCoordBasedPosition SystemPartner, SecurityID, Channel, Branches, IsoCountryCode, IsoLocale, LocXLocYCoordFormatIn, MaxRadius, Top, OrderBy, Page, FreeFilter, Addition
Rectangular coordinates SearchBranchesCoordBasedRectangle SystemPartner, SecurityID, Channel, Branches, IsoCountryCode, IsoLocale, LuxLuyRlxRlyCoordFormatIn, Top, OrderBy, Page, FreeFilter, Addition

More information about the parameters can be found in the Parameter overview.