Location map

Create location maps to use on your website. Using the interface described here. You can create location maps in various formats and configurations.

Entry Points

The service is provided as a GET URL service and can thus be linked or integrated as an inline frame, for example.


The map section is specified by an address or coordinate:
https://location.smartmaps.app/?key={ADD API KEY}


Code example: Embedding via inline frame

<iframe src="https://location.smartmaps.app/?key={ADD API KEY}" style="height: 100%; width: 100%; border: 0;" title="SmartMaps"></iframe>


Parameters: Authentication

To use the location map, you need an API key. You will receive the api key directly from YellowMap during registration. You must pass the api key in the key parameter.

Name Description Data type Default value
key API-Key (is provided directly by YellowMap). string ""

Parameter: Allgemeine Maps Settings

These parameters can be used to customize the behavior and appearance of the map. The parameters must be passed URL-encoded.

Name Description Data type Default value
ch Channel: A string that is logged; it can be freely chosen by the user. String ""
fsc FullscreenControl: Whether the map can be opened in full screen mode. bool false
zc ZoomControl: Whether the zoom slider is added to the map by default. bool false
z Zoom: Original zoom value. int 1-19 19
minz Minzoom: Minimum zoom level of the map. int 1-19 4
maxz Maxzoom: Maximum zoom level of the map. int 1-19 19
swz ScrollWheelZoom: Whether the map can be zoomed with the mouse wheel. bool true
static Static: Map cannot be moved or zoomed. bool false
mh MapHeight: Indicates the height of the map. Values provided as px or %. Important: Values need to be URL encoded. string 100%25
s Style: Setting of the map profile to be displayed on the map. By default, the default profile lightmode is loaded from SmartMaps. You can choose between different profiles adapted to the respective application. When using auto, the light or dark mode is automatically used depending on the settings of the end device/operating system. auto,

tc Terrain Control: Activate a control to display terrain data worldwide. bool false

Parameter: Marker & Pop-up

With these parameters the behavior and appearance of the marker and pop-up can be customized. The parameters must be passed URL-encoded.

Name Description Data type Default value
y Lat: Specifies the latitude of the marker. If no address is specified, the coordinate is geocoded. number null
x Lng: Specifies the longitude of the marker. If no address is specified, the coordinate is geocoded. number null
zp Zip:The postal code of the address to be geocoded. If no coordinate is specified, the address is geocoded. String null
cty City: The city of the address to be geocoded. If no coordinate is specified, the address is geocoded. String null
str Street: The street of the address to be geocoded. If no coordinate is specified, the address is geocoded. String null
hsn HouseNo: The house number of the address to be geocoded. If no coordinate is specified, the address is geocoded. String null
ic IsoCountry:T he country iso code of the address to be geocoded. If no coordinate is specified, the address is geocoded. String "DE"
c Color: The colors of the markers to be drawn on the map. Four hexadecimal values for the red, green and blue and the alpha channel. #HEX-Color #18355b
is iconSize: Defines the size of the marker. Values are S, M, L and XL String "M"
hp hasPopup: Defines whether the marker has a pop-up. bool true
pt header: Specifies the header of the pop-up. String ""
pb body: Specifies the content of the body of the pop-up. String ""
Notice: To display the popup address information is needed. If this is not provided using the respective parameters, they will be automatically determined using the reverse geocoding service. Therefore, your API key needs to be unlocked for the application domain location.smartmaps.app.