Initialization (Map)


// initialize the map on the "map" div with a given center and zoom   
var map ='map', {
    center: [51.505, -0.09],
    zoom: 13

Factory:, options)

Instantiates a map object with a div element (or its ID) and optionally an object with the map options described below.


Name Description Data type Default value
id A div-element oder an ID.
HTML-element or string  
options [optional] Object  

Parameter: options

Map Status Options

Name Description Data type Default value
center Original geographical center of the map. LatLng null
zoom Original zoom value. int null
layers Layers that are first added to the map. ILayer[] null
minZoom Minimum zoom level of the map. Overrides all minZoom settings of the map layers. int null
maxZoom Maximum zoom level of the map. Overrides all maxZoom settings of the map layers. int null
maxBounds When this option is set, the map restricts the view to the specified geographical boundaries and prevents the user from moving the map outside the view. To set the restriction dynamically, use the setMaxBounds method. LatLngBounds null
style Setting of the map style to be displayed on the map. By default, the profile lightmode is used. You can choose between different styles, adapted to the respective use case.









Interaction options

Name Description Data type Default value
fullscreenControl Whether the map can be opened in full screen mode bool flase
draggable Whether or not the card can be dragged with the mouse or touch bool true
touchZoom Whether the card can be zoomed by touching it with two fingers bool true
scrollWheelZoom Whether the map can be zoomed with the mouse wheel. If you pass "center", the map is zoomed to the center of the view, regardless of where the mouse was located. bool true
doubleClickZoom Whether the map can be enlarged by double-clicking and reduced by double-clicking while holding down the Shift key. If you have selected the "Center" option, double-clicking the zoom zooms to the center of the view, regardless of where the mouse was located. bool true
boxZoom Whether the map can be zoomed to a rectangular area defined by dragging with the mouse while holding down the Shift key. bool true
tap Enables mobile hacks to support instant taps (fixing 200 ms click delay on iOS/Android) and touch holds (triggered as context menu events) bool true
tapTolerance The maximum number of pixels that a user can move while touching with a finger so that it can be considered a valid fingertip. int 15
trackResize Whether the map automatically resizes the browser window to update itself. bool true
worldCopyJump When this option is enabled, the map tracks are displayed when moving to another copy of the world and seamlessly jumping to the original map, so that all overlays like markers and vector layers are still visible. bool false
closePopupOnClick Set false if you do not want popups to be closed by clicking on the map. bool true
bounceAtZoomLimits Set this setting to false if you don't want the map to zoom beyond the min/max zoom and then jump back at pinch zoom. bool true

Keyboard input options

Name Description Data type Default value
keyboard Makes the map focusable and allows the user to navigate through the map using keyboard arrows and [+]/[-] keys. bool true
keyboardPanOffset Number of pixels to move when pressing an arrow key. int 80
keyboardZoomOffset Number of zoom levels to be changed when pressing the [+]/[-] key. int 1

Options for the moment of inertia of move actions

Name Description Data type Default value
inertia When this option is enabled, moving the map has an inertia effect while dragging, so that the map moves in the same direction for some time. Feels especially good on touch devices. bool  
inertiaDeceleration The speed at which the inertial motion is slowed down, in pixels per second. int 3000
inertiaMaxSpeed Maximum speed of inertial motion, in pixels/second. int 1500
inertiaThreshold Number of milliseconds to elapse between stopping the movement and releasing the mouse or touch to prevent inertia (32 by default for touch devices and 14 for all other devices) int  

Control options

Name Description Data type Default value
zoomControl Whether the zoom slider is added to the map by default. bool true
attributionControl Whether the attribution control is added to the map by default. boll true

Animation options

Name Description Data type Default value
fadeAnimation Whether the tile crossfade animation is activated. By default, this is enabled in all browsers that support CSS3 transitions (not Android). bool  
zoomAnimation Whether the tile zoom animation is activated. By default it is enabled in all browsers that support CSS3 transitions (not Android). bool  
zoomAnimationThreshold The zoom is not animated if the zoom difference exceeds this value. int 4
markerZoomAnimation Specifies whether markers are also animated during the zoom animation. If it is deactivated, the markers disappear for the duration of the animation. By default it is enabled in all browsers that support CSS3 transitions (not Android). bool  

Localization Options

Name Description Data type Default value
watch If true, the continuous observation of location changes (instead of detecting them only once) starts with the W3C watchPosition method. You can stop observing later with the map.stopLocate method. bool false
setView If false, the map view is automatically (if geolocation failed) set to the user's location in terms of recognition accuracy or to the world view. bool false
maxZoom The maximum zoom factor for the automatic setting of the view when using the setView" option. int Infinity
timeout Number of milliseconds to wait for a geolocation response before a location error event is triggered. Number 10000
maximumAge Maximum age of the detected location. If less than this number of milliseconds has passed since the last geolocation response, locate returns a cached location. int 0
enableHighAccuracy Enables high accuracy (see description in W3C specification) bool false

Zoom and move options

Name Description Data type Default value
reset If true, the map view is completely reset (without animations). bool false
pan Sets the options for panning (without zoom change) when it occurs. pan options  
zoom Sets the options for the zoom change when it occurs. zoom options  
animate An equivalent to passing animations for zoom and pan options (see below). bool  

Move options

Name Description Data type Default value
animate If true, dragging will be animated if possible. If false, dragging is not animated. Either the map view will be reset when moving by more than one screen width, or only a new offset will be set for the map section (except for panBy, which always does the latter). bool  
duration Duration of animated moving. int 0.25
easeLinearity The curvature factor of the displacement-animation-relaxation (third parameter of the Cubic Bezier curve). 1.0 means linear animation. The less, the more the curve bowed. int 0.25
noMoveStart If true, moving at startup will not trigger the Movestart event (used internally for panning inertia). bool false

Zoom options

Name Description Datentyp Default value
animate If not specified, the zoom animation is executed. condition: The origin of the zoom is inside the current view. If this is the case, the map will try to animate the zoom, regardless of where the origin of the zoom is located. Setting false causes the view to always reset completely without animation. bool  

Edge Enhancement Options

Name Description Data type Default value
paddingTopLeft Defines how much margin padding is displayed in the upper left corner of a map container that should not be taken into account when adjusting the view to the borders. Useful if you have some control overlays on the map like a sidebar and you don't want to hide the objects you zoom in on. Point [0, 0]
paddingBottomRight The same applies to the lower right corner of the card. Point [0, 0]
padding Corresponds to the setting of the margin padding for both top left and bottom right. The same value is set. Point [0, 0]
maxZoom The maximum possible zoom you can use. int null