
A specific version number can be specified (for example: free-3.0), or the current version number of a major revision can be requested (for example: free-3).

The current major revision number is 3.
The current version is the 3.7.1

The format reflects the versioning in hierarchical order: {MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}

The following rules apply:

  1. When version 1 is requested, the latest version of 1 is selected, for example: 1.1
  2. When version 1.0 is requested, the newest 1.0 version is selected, for example: 1.0.0
  3. If no version is requested, the newest version is always chosen.

If you want to receive all new features automatically within a major revision, you should request the version by specifying only the major revision. If you have tested against a minor version, we recommend that you continue to request this version in the future. In both cases it is guaranteed that future bug fixes will be included.

Release Notes

14. MAI 2024


  • GeoCoder service enhanced
    • singleSlot supports worldwide geocoding
  • Update to Leaflet 1.9.4
20. SEPTEMBER 2022


  • New routing service
    • Match service to snap/match GPS coordinates to the routing network
  • Update to Leaflet 1.8.0
31. AUGUST 2021


  • New routing options
    • Isochrones for distances and travel times for the calculation of accessibility maps
    • Triprouting for the solution of the "Traveling Salesman Problem"
28. JUNI 2021


  • New Autocomplete 5.0
    • Highlights are:
      • Multilingualism
      • Typo detection
      • Filter result list to limit the allowed types, such as: city, street and country.
      • Filter results list so that they must contain a postal code.
      • Boost the result list using a rectangle or a center point and radius.
      • Customize the appearance of the input field and the results list using CSS variables.
February 02, 2021


  • New map styles with new initialization parameter 'style'
    • Darkmode
    • Daylight
    • Greyscale
    • Nightmode
    • Colorblind (Red-Green Color Blindness)
    • Designmode
    • Automatic style change between dark- and lightmode with parameter style='auto'
JANUARY 30, 2020


  • Darkmode / Lightmode
    • Automatic change between dark and light mode based on OS settings
  • YM Layers Update
    • Layers can be disabled in the Map Options via ymLayerDisabled: true

Bug fixes:

  • Bug fix Retina Tiles
  • Logging Bug fix
    • Logging is no longer intercepted by AdBlocker
October 31, 2018


  • Retina Tiles
  • Internal adjustments for the integration of map controls, SmartMaps:
    • brandControl (active by default for brand "SmartMaps")
    • attributionControl (active by default for copyright notices)
    • layersControl (deactivated by default)
  • Internal adjustments for the integration of map controls, Google:
    • brandControl (active by default for brand "SmartMaps")
  • Fullscreen-Control: Fullscreen mode for the whole screen (deactivated by default), SmartMaps and Google:
    • In the map options fullscreenControl is set to true to activate the control.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed exception in GeoJSON component in case properties are passed in constructor.
JUNE 26, 2018


  • SmartMaps: General speed improvements
  • Google Maps: Speed improvements for polyline/polygon in GeoJSON

Bug fixes:

  • Google Maps: Google Options