Show and hide layers
The API allows you to place any number of display layers over the map.
The example is complete; you can save it locally in a file and call it in the browser. You only have to replace the value for the apiKey
Click on the symbol in the upper right corner of the example and select the layer you want to show or hide.
SmartMaps map
Code example: Show and hide layers
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Test example LayerControl</title>
<div id="map-wrapper">
<!-- Predefined DIV element into which the map is loaded. -->
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height: 600px;"></div>
<!-- SmartMaps-API -->
<script src="{API_KEY}"></script>
ym.ready(function(modules) {
// Define Layer Group
var cities1 = L.layerGroup();
var cities2 = L.layerGroup();
// Add markers to layer group.
new modules.provider.Marker([50.1145465, 8.6825010]).bindPopup('Zeil').addTo(cities1),
new modules.provider.Marker([50.1146118689, 8.683300316333]).bindPopup('Stiftstrasse').addTo(cities1),
new modules.provider.Marker([50.113980633146, 8.678405284881592]).bindPopup('Hauptwache').addTo(cities2),
new modules.provider.Marker([50.11122167392529, 8.680733442306519]).bindPopup('Rathaus').addTo(cities2);
// Define map
var map ="map", {
center: ym.latLng(50.1145465, 8.6825010),
zoom: 15
// Define Object for Layer-Control => Name and Content
var overlays = {
"Innenstadt": cities1,
"Hauptwache und Rathaus": cities2
// Add initials content to map.
// Add Layer Control to Map.
L.control.layers(null, overlays).addTo(map.original);